Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Tyra's Words of Wisdom

Ok, the show was on at 4 not 3, and there was an actual doctor there giving advice, not Tyra, thank heavens!
Well, there wasn't a ton of information that was spectacular or things I haven't heard before, but I did take some notes.
  • 7.3 million women in the U.S. struggle with infertility
  • 1 out of 7 couples in the U.S. struggle with infertility
  • 2/3rds of couples treated for infertility go on to have healthy babies

Well, this helps those of us who think we're all alone and we're the only ones not having babies. It also gives hope that, with help, we will someday be mommies!

The owner/creator/something of Conceive Magazine was there talking about foods that help boost fertility. She also wrote a book "Cooking to Conceive". You can sign up to win a copy of this book on Tyra's website.

  • Pancakes vs. Prepackaged Muffins -- Pancakes: They were made with buckwheat - which increases ovulation and helps with PCOS - and buttermilk - full fat milk, this kind of fat is good for you. Those muffins are high in transfat which is bad.
  • Turkey Burger vs. BLT -- Turkey Burger: They contain lots of iron and the cheese gives you your dose of full fat dairy. Vegetables and beans are also very good. Bacon is high in saturated fat.
  • Pasta with Salmon and Asparagus vs. Beef -- Pasta: This contains a lot of folic acid.
  • Cheese Cake Brownies vs. Angelfood Cake -- Brownies: Instead of using butter they used Omega 3 canola oil. They used dark chocolate which has lots of antioxidants.

The Scoop on Sperm

  • Sperm is made up of citric acid and sugar
  • Avoid hot tubs, saunas, and anything else that causes excessive heat. Also, don't let your hubbies put laptops on their lap, keep them on a table.
  • Hubbies should use their cell phones less and keep them either turned off or out of their pockets or on their hips. Keeping their phones on standby and in their pockets or clipped to their belt isn't good. Tyra suggests a man purse.
  • Make sure your hubby is getting his daily servings of fruit.

I hope some of this information is helpful. I found the show a bit interesting, but most of it was things I had heard before. I'm excited to explore this new website and I'm going to look into this magazine too! Good luck to everyone out there trying for their little bundle of joy!

The Tyra Show

I need to first preface this by letting you know that I am not a fan of Tyra Banks. I find her quite annoying, especially her show. However, I just saw a commercial that her show this afternoon at 3pm is going to be about couples dealing with infertility. I looked up the description on the Dish guide and it doesn't say that, but the commercial said it, so I'm hoping the commercial is right. I just thought I would pass this information along in case anyone is home and wanted to watch.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


So this month I decided to try the basal body temperature technique for predicting ovulation, in addition to ovulation tests. From what I remember reading about doing the BBT thing is that you have to before you get up or move at all in the morning, and I think your temperature is supposed to go down, then rise when you ovulate. Then, if you're pregnant it's supposed to stay elevated. I probably have a lot of this wrong, I need to go back and read about it again.
So, I've been doing it all month, and either I have a very strange body temperature pattern, or I'm doing it wrong. My temperature has fluctuated between 96.4 - 98.6 (ish). Some mornings when I roll over to grab the thermometer I naturally stretch my muscles, then I get worried that I just ruined my temp. because I wasn't supposed to move that much! Agh. Haha. Anyways, I guess I'll keep trying. If nothing else, maybe it'll be good information for my doctor someday.

Does anyone understand how to do the BBT technique? Do you have to have a special thermometer? I just have a regular digital one. Maybe that's my problem. Any suggestions or ideas on this technique and how to make it work? Has anyone had success in getting pregnant this way?

Great Website!

I saw this website on a friend's blog yesterday, and another friend gave me the link from Facebook. I don't know how new this is, but I'm excited to have found it. I have only read a few parts of this website, but I think it'll be a great source of information and strength for me, and hopefully for you too. I've added a button on the side if you want to click there!
"We welcome members of all faiths to join in our community and to strive to understand infertility from a religious perspective." -ldsinfertility.org

Friday, October 16, 2009

Suck It Up!

Today is a new day. That means a new day to make new decisions. I realize I have been wallowing in self pity for a while now, and today I am choosing to stop! I choose to suck it up, and move on. I need to remember that not everything is about me (shocker huh!). Sometimes it's about other people and their lives and their success and happiness. Heavenly Father created His plan of Happiness for a reason. We need to draw happiness from other people when it's difficult to find it within ourselves. I choose today, to be happy for my friends and family and to share in their joy! And I hope that someday they will do the same for me.
Have a Wonderful Day!

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Day

I stole this post from my friend Lauren's blog, I hope she doesn't mind. I have never heard of this, but I think it could be very applicable and healing for many of us.

October 15th is National Pregnancy Loss Remembrance Day. A day to remember the babies we never got to hold.
On October 15th, a wave of light travels the world in honor of our lost babies. At 7pm in your time zone, you are invited to light a candle in honor of each of your lost pregnancies, or in honor of the loss of a friend. Keep your candles lit for one hour, until the next time zone lights their candles.
To learn more visit http://www.october15th.com/

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

My Thoughts Are All Over The Place

I have almost started a post several times over the last couple weeks, but I always chickened out. I've been thinking about a lot of different things, but I could never get my thoughts straight enough to get out of my head and not sound terrible. Well, I'm hoping that maybe writing now will help. (Sorry, more whining may be involved.)
** I've been thinking a lot about our fertility issues. Is the problem with me? Is it with My Love? Is it both of us? My blood tests came back normal, which is good, but I was slightly disappointed because I was hoping for an answer to our troubles. I thought my progesterone was low, and all I had to do was take supplements, and we'd be fine! I guess that's not the problem.
My Love has amorphous/tapered sperm. I tried to look up information on that, and it appears it's probably some genetic problem. The information I read said that IUI, even with washing, wasn't a very good solution, and that IVF or ICSI are usually the best choices. Can we really afford all that right now? The good news is that we have gotten pregnant 3 times all on our own, so maybe we're not this much of an extreme case. But then that takes me back to, what is my problem? Why can't I keep a pregnancy past 6 weeks?
Maybe one or both of us have a genetic problem. They say the most common reason for early miscarriage is that a baby could never be made because the cells didn't divide properly or genetic mix ups. Maybe we should have genetic testing done. We have had some chromosomal abnormalities with distant family members. Maybe I have some kind of recessive gene or something.
My Love was supposed to have his hamster test done yesterday, but unfortunately we had an unexpected event the night before which did not allow us to keep that appointment. BUMMER! It's so hard for him to find time off, and I was sooo looking forward to having one more piece to our puzzle in the next few days. Hopefully he can find time to make another appointment soon.
** I got an invitation to a baby shower for a good friend. We have been friends since we were little, but we haven't been as close since high school. Heck, I found out she was pregnant on Facebook! :( I feel like I should go to the shower to see her and support her, but like many of us at times, I don't know if I really want to go. I guess I'm not sure what to do or how to handle it. I love her and am so happy for her, because I know she has wanted this for a while too, it's just never easy to congratulate someone for getting something you want. Oh gosh, that sounds terrible doesn't it! Any suggestions on being a better person?
** My wonderful sister in law got married this past weekend. It was such an amazing day and I loved it so much. She is the sweetest woman I know and I am so happy for her and her new hubby. They are so great together, and I love them both dearly. Unfortunately, here's the evil side of me, I can't help but be scared that now that they are married, and older, that they might have a baby before we do. TERRIBLE HUH! I thought since we have been married for so long, and were married first, we should give My Love's parent's their first grandchild. We don't get to be the firsts of anything with my parents (they already have 3 granddaughters and a grandson), so I thought it'd be nice to be the first with his parents. I know, I'm just being dumb and selfish. I keep telling myself to stop being so selfish and to think of the bright sides. One is that there would be a new baby in the family, and even in the same state! I could be the best aunt ever and help out all the time. And this is where I slap myself in the face and say, whoa, they just got married, they aren't the type to jump right into anything, let alone something as serious as parenthood. And, even if they did, I'd be happy for them because I love them and I want them to be happy!
Ah, family events. This is when we get to see everyone we haven't seen in years, many since we got married. Everyone likes to say hello and see how we're doing and what we're up to. This is the worst. We don't have anything exciting to say. "Ya, we've been married for the 5 years now, I know a long time. No, we don't have our own place, we're living with my parents. Yes, we have finished school, but we don't have a real career yet. Nope, no kids, hopefully soon :)" No one was pushy or anything about the kids stuff, but sometimes I just want to scream "No, we don't have any children! Want to know why?! Do you want to hear a really long, painful story?! I didn't think so." It was actually kind of sad, the only young person there was a cousin who is 13. Other than that, all the friends and family in the wedding party were over 21. I heard wishes and requests for more children at the next family wedding. Well, let's just hope his other sisters don't get married anytime soon!
** I worry that I may not be a mom, or at least not any time soon. I feel like without that, who am I? All I have ever wanted to be, since I was a baby myself, is a mom. I started helping a mom down the street with new twins when I was 6 years old. I would go over every day after school just to play with her babies. I have never thought about any type of career or alternative option in life than being a mom. I enjoyed school because I liked to learn about psychology, but I always thought that it was just good information to know for raising a family. There isn't a job in this world that even comes close to quenching my severe heart ache to be a mommy. I enjoyed working at the daycare, but at the end of the day, I was still going home empty handed. There was no little one there excited to see me and go home with me. No one was crying mommy for me. I wasn't the one they wanted when they were sad. I was a temporary fix, but I'm not mommy. I feel like I have lost my identity and I don't know who I am or what I'm supposed to do if I'm not a mom.

Thursday, October 1, 2009


I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Infertility Goddess. She posted this comment a couple days ago:
I feel guilty telling a happy story--but I just saw the TWO heartbeats of my babies thanks to infertility treatments. I'm at 10 weeks now and praying they keep growing. It really is a miracle. We went to Dr. Heiner in Draper and are SO grateful for the fertility clinic there. AMAZING! We continue to pray for each of you, I understand at least a bit of how you feel. Side note: if you have PCOS or have symptoms ASK FOR METFORMIN...it's amazing. It made me feel a hundred times better, helped me lose weight finally, AND partly helped me get pregnant. Miracle drug :)
Don't feel guilty at all, we're so happy for you!! TWO heart beats, what an amazing miracle and blessing!! I hope everything continues to go well for you. I love success stories because they give us hope that we can do it too. Congratulations again, and keep us posted on how you and your babies are doing.