Thursday, October 1, 2009


I just wanted to say CONGRATULATIONS to Infertility Goddess. She posted this comment a couple days ago:
I feel guilty telling a happy story--but I just saw the TWO heartbeats of my babies thanks to infertility treatments. I'm at 10 weeks now and praying they keep growing. It really is a miracle. We went to Dr. Heiner in Draper and are SO grateful for the fertility clinic there. AMAZING! We continue to pray for each of you, I understand at least a bit of how you feel. Side note: if you have PCOS or have symptoms ASK FOR's amazing. It made me feel a hundred times better, helped me lose weight finally, AND partly helped me get pregnant. Miracle drug :)
Don't feel guilty at all, we're so happy for you!! TWO heart beats, what an amazing miracle and blessing!! I hope everything continues to go well for you. I love success stories because they give us hope that we can do it too. Congratulations again, and keep us posted on how you and your babies are doing.

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