Monday, August 31, 2009

Inspiring Words

"Don't give up... Don't you quit... There is help and happiness ahead - a lot of it... You keep your chin up. It will be all right in the end. Trust God and believe in good things to come." -- Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

"Tough times don't last, but tough people do." -- On the cover of a book I saw

What are some things that you have heard, read, or people have said to you that have helped you through some of those really tough days?

1 comment:

kenna said...

My dad has always had wonderful advice for me when I'm having harder than normal days.

He always tell me, if I feel like I can't go on, to do the following...

1. Get Up
2. Make my bed
3. Shower

Even if right after I shower I get back into my made bed, at least I am accomplishing something.

Step by step. Some days we can do more than others, which is okay. If one day your best is simply walking to the mail box to get the mail, then that's enough.

Hang in there. I'm thinking of you.