Thursday, August 13, 2009

Kenna's Writing a Book!

I copied this post from Kenna's Blog.

I like writing.
Now, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm good, it just means I have found an outlet that really helps me cope and move through some hard, HARD situations in life. This is a blessing.
A blessing I tell you.
I have been able to tell my story to so many people via this blog. In return, I have met some of the most amazing individuals. I wouldn't have been in contact with them if my life had taken a different turn. This is a classic example of your trials really enhancing your life.
So, my friends, let's enhance our lives. Let's help enhance others' lives.
I know there are so many women that have read my blog who have been in the same, or similar, situations before. Struggling with infertility and all that it entails. From treatments, to procedures, to adoption. The medication, the appointments, the despair. So many of you haven't told your story. I know it's hard. This is such a private battle.
You would like to share now?
I want to put together a book. (Most likely via blurb) I want to put all of these stories into one compilation. I have been wanting to write a book for so long, but I realized I can't touch as many people as ALL OF US can touch. There are so many stories, situations and because every one's experience with infertility differs, we need a 'book' that will offer many different stories and experiences of disappointment, and hope, and faith. Of trial and error. Of loss, of gain, of blessings.
Now, see, I can't do this without your help.
So please, if you would like to share your story, if you would like to be involved, get in touch with me. I would love for ANYONE who wants to be a part of this project to, well, be a part of this project. I think it could help heal wounds, broaden horizons, and help us connect and again, enhance our lives.
So, will you join me?
Will you?
Email me: kennagoesemo(at)gmail(dot)com
Please, spread the word. Post it on your blog. If you know someone who might be interested in participating, let them know. Also, to all my wonderful anonymous commenters who have shared experiences, join in.
After talking with on of my besties, Lauren, I am thinking I want to include some experiences from those of you who have friends & family dealing with infertility. How you feel, what you think helps, what you think doesn't, etc. So, if there are any of you who would like to participate in that as well, just lemme know.


kenna said...

Thanks for posting this.

Seriously, anyone who wants to be involved, let me know. This is going to be a great project. It's the size of an elephant, but you know, we'll just take it one bite at a time.

It will be so worth it, I promise.

Anonymous said...

Wow that sounds like a wonderful book! I will for sure buy that one!!