Wednesday, August 5, 2009

What Do You Want to Talk About? and My Update.

Well, I'm back in touch with the electronic world! WOO HOO!

I've had a lot of great comments on the last few posts, so I hope we can get it rolling again. I'm happy to see us supporting each other and sharing our ideas and opinions.

I'm not really sure what to post about because you guys haven't told me what topics are of interest to you, so I'll just start by giving an update about what's been going on with me.

In the middle of all of the craziness of moving, I found out I was pregnant, and 2 days later confirmed that I was miscarrying again. The hard thing for me was that I just thought it was one of those really long cycle months, and we weren't even "trying", so I didn't expect to pregnant. I still get upset that I didn't find out sooner so I could have gotten help sooner! Maybe I could have made a difference and kept this one!

When my period still hadn't come on the last day I thought possible, I took a test, still expecting a negative. When I saw it was positive, I couldn't believe it, but knew I had to get to my Dr. right away. He told me I needed to get progesterone as soon as I got pregnant again, so I went in thinking they would write me a prescription and I'd be on my way. Unfortunately they said I had to have a blood test first and they would get the results on Monday and let me know if I needed progesterone. I wasn't happy about that, but there was nothing I could do. The next day I thought I saw some discoloration and called the on-call Dr. (b/c it was a Saturday). He basically said there's nothing we can do one way or another so just wait until your Dr. calls you on Monday. Again, not what I wanted to hear. I didn't see anything else the rest of the day, so I thought maybe I was just paranoid and spent the rest of the day laying in bed holding my tummy and promising that baby that if it would just stay in there I would take really good care of it. Unfortunately by Sunday, it was obvious it was over. On Monday the Dr.'s office called and told me my progesterone level was low, so they would supplement me. I told them no need, I had already lost it. They got me in with my Dr. the next day. We discovered from the blood test that I was already miscarrying by the time I found out I was pregnant. My HCG level was about 640ish, which is no where near it should be for being almost 6 weeks along. Also, my progesterone level was 4.something, which was normal for someone who isn't pregnant, so they said I would need a progesterone supplement. So he prescribed some for me to take from day 14 to 28, then take a pregnancy test, and if I'm not pregnant, stop taking it and have a period, then start again on day 14. Has anyone else done this? About a week after I started the progesterone I started spotting/bleeding for the next week. I'm not sure if I was supposed to be concerned about that, but I figured it was just a hormonal adjustment thing, or I hadn't expelled everything from the miscarriage. Has anyone else experienced anything like this? What happened? What did you do? This part is just all kinda new to me. So now we're just playing the "wait and see what happens" game again.
Anyways, I want to know what you guys want to talk about! Does anyone know more about hormone supplements, such as progesterone, or others? How do they work? How have they worked for you? How are things going for you in the growing people process? Any success yet? We want to share and draw strength from your success! We also want to support those of us who are having a hard time. Talk about anything. The next topic of discussion is up to YOU!


Kara said...

Sorry about the recent miscarriage. I'm so sorry. I've had friends on the Progesterone supplement, but I've never been on it. Is your doc a specialist with infertility? I thnk you should get with a doc like that, or a reproductive endocrinologist. Are you still living in Utah? There is a great RE up at the U. He's the one that got me pregnant. ;)

kenna said...

I'm so sorry. That is how my last 2 miscarriages were. I found out, and then not a day or two later, it was in the crapper...again.

I have been thinking about ya.

No updates here. I think we all go through periods of where we can cope well, and were maybe we don't cope well, and I'll be honest, it's been hard. Lots of pregnancy announcements, lots of struggle, but hey, it comes and goes.

Ebb and flow of life.

Hang in there, totes glad you are back.

Lauren said...

I'm so sorry Maranda! :::hugs:::

Infertility Goddess said...

I'm so sorry about your miscarriage. I'm always amazed that people are able to get pregnant in the times when they "aren't trying" or "aren't thinking about it." I keep hearing that we will get pregnant once I stop worrying about it so much. How does one do that? My sister-in-law did the progesterone thing and suggested the same for me. I will probably use it if I ever get pregnant, but I think it has helped a lot of people.

teuscher travels said...

I am so sorry!!

I have been lurking on Kennas (who I found off of Cjanes) and found my way to yours and felt I should post- I normally have nothing to say but get strength from you girls! I have been trying to get pregnant for 3 years and for the last 1.5 years have been on progesterone from day 16 to day 28 -with the test on day 28 and then go off if Negative (lots and lots of negatives). I know all of our stories are a little different - mine was I just wasnt getting pregnant(and we tested EVERYTHING) but had some spotting every month so they thought to put me on progesterone just to see (sounds like California is a little more aggressive that other places). It didnt get me pregnant but I started injectables and iui this year and to my GREAT suprise got pregnant after a few rounds and have been on progesterone for 10 weeks now and still crossing my fingers/toes and anything else I can think of. My dr will take me off it after 13 weeks when the baby starts making its own progesterone. My dr said there really isnt anything harmful to be on it so why not be on the safe side!!
I use the brand name Crinone- which I would highly recommend. I know they do shots which are painful and capsule inserts which melt and are messy. The crinone (sorry to be graphic) is like a little tampon that squirts cream up into you - it gets a little clumpy but it stays and works well. I know you can take it once or twice a day and I take mine every morning. There are a few side effect - I got a little depressed and more tired but didnt have the other side effects, I know others and it is just trying and seeing to how you react - but doable which is good!! It is actually what they put all of the girls on who do injectables or ivf that I have talked to.

I know this is a long comment, I hope some of this helps!! And my thoughts are with you!


teuscher travels said...

Sorry, I wanted to add one more clarification - the dr specifically told me to take it 2 days after I saw the lh surge on the pee sticks - which for me was consistantly on day 14, so I started taking it on day 16. You dont want to take it before you ovulate so it doesnt mess up your cycle! Also I never bled, do you have a dr you feel comfortable asking? It took me a little bit (actually had a dr that laughed bc he thought at 25 I shouldnt worry about having babies...) but I finally found a dr (RE) that had a way to reach him on an answering machine to ask him questions that didnt need an appointment but brought me a little peace of mind - cause it is so frustrating being on new drugs!! Sorry for all of the comments!