(I'm sorry this is really long, but I'll try to break it up into paragraphs to make for easier reading)
I thought I would get the ball rolling by posting my story. I don't post much on my personal blog about our struggles because I don't want to come off as whining, but I think this is the perfect place for all of us to tell our stories.
I married My Love in Aug. 2004. I have wanted children for as long as I can remember, but we thought it would be smart to wait until I finished school. Plus, those two years would give us plenty of time to get to know each other and start our happy life together. So, May of 2006 I quit taking birth control. We tried all summer long, according to the online ovulation calculators. Unfortunately, we were always way off because my cycles were a lot longer that those calculators planned for.
When we weren't pregnant after 6 months of trying, we went in to my OB/GYN, as instructed, just to see if we could get any answers. He told me to use the at home ovulation (pee stick) tests and when I got a positive to call them, and they would make some appointments for me to get some ultrasounds done to make sure I was in fact ovulating. My cycles were really long and varied, so this was something they wanted to rule out.
That November, I did as the Dr. said, and during the next week of ultrasounds, the technician just kept telling me that the ovary(s) was getting bigger. I guess that meant it was just taking longer to burst. So we kept doing the "baby dance" for the rest of the week, and maybe beyond, I don't remember. The week after Thanksgiving we found out we were pregnant. I had some pretty funny signs including getting very lightheaded when standing and bursting into tears over a bad hair day and a pair of shoes.
We were thrilled! We went out and bought a baby book so we could document everything from day one. Unfortunately, one week after finding out we were pregnant, I started spotting, and feeling terrible. I'm pretty sure I was feeling terrible because I was so scared I was losing my baby. I went in to the Dr. as soon as I could, and they told me that my cervix was still closed, but that there was some discharge. He tried to reassure me that it could be nothing, but they couldn't say for sure. They ordered blood tests for the next several days to see if my HCG levels were going up (growing baby), or going down (miscarriage).
Well, I guess you know the rest of the story. My levels on the first test were over a thousand, and the girl from the Dr.'s office called and said "Congratulations, you're about 4 weeks pregnant!" I said thanks, but that didn't make me feel any better because I was actually about 6 weeks pregnant. The next call was devastating when she told me my levels had dropped to 500. I asked her three times what the levels were because I didn't want to believe it. The last test didn't matter because I knew my baby was already gone. I cried for days and days, but was determined to not give up.
We waited a month to start trying again, but again it took several months to get it right. In June of 2007, I found out I was pregnant again! I tried to do everything I could think of to keep this baby healthy and inside of me, but I was having a hard time with feeling a little nauseated and didn't eat as much as I probably should have. Not to say that had anything to do with what happened next, but I can't help but think about it. Again, one week after we got the positive pregnancy test, I was at work and started spotting again. Luckily My Love worked across the street so I rushed over to him. He told me he would take me right to the doctor. I went back to tell my boss I was leaving, and as I'm bawling telling her I think I am miscarrying for the second time, she hugs me and tells me that she had two miscarriages too, and then she couldn't have anymore kids. Um, talk about NOT what you want to hear at that moment!
We went to the doctor, and again, they said my cervix was still closed, but there was discharge, so they wanted to do the blood tests again. The first level came back much lower than the last time, somewhere in the hundreds I think. The second level I think was only 20 something, and the third level was in the single digits. From the moment I discovered I was probably miscarrying again, I immediately detached myself from the situation. I no longer thought of myself as being pregnant, I would only consider it to be a normal period because I couldn't go through the heart-wrenching pain I went through the first time. It actually helped a lot and I was able to get back to life a lot quicker.
My family knew about both pregnancies, but they were the only ones, so it was a little easier to only have to tell them, and not everyone we knew. We continued to try to get pregnant for the next year and a half. My new doctor recommended that we get My Love tested, and it turned out he had some troubles with malformed swimmers. I'd like to have him retested someday because that was during a very stressful time in our life, and I think that may have caused some of the problem.
Anyway, my periods would go back to normal right after I miscarried, the usual 28-29 days. But months later, they started getting irregular again. My Dr. gave me the lowest dose of Clomid and said as long as I ovulate (=have a period) then he won't up the dose. We tried that for a few months, along with ovulation tests, and nothing. Next we decided it was time to try IUI (IntraUterine Insemination). So I was on the Clomid, would take the ovulation tests, and when I got a positive (weekday or weekend) we would go to our Dr. to be inseminated. I always thought this would make us SUPER FERTILE, but my doctor told me it only makes us more like normal couples. Bummer. Well, after three rounds of that not working, we were out of money and had holiday vacations coming up to worry about. We decided to just relax and let nature take it's course.
So that is where we are at now. We decided not to pursue anymore fertility treatments until we get our life in order and where we want to be. We are not preventing pregnancy by any means, but we are also taking the time to enjoy each other and doing everything we can to prepare ourselves temporally and spiritually so we will be ready when Heavenly Father is ready to send us our little bundle of joy. We're not giving up! In a few months, when we hopefully get our lives settled a little more, if we are still having no luck, we plan to find a fertility specialist who can hopefully help. This three year journey has been the biggest roller coaster of my life. I have been through friends and close family getting pregnant and having babies. I have seen almost everyone (it seems) in my ward get pregnant and have babies, and are now on to their second babies. I still feel the sting in my heart every time I hear another person I know is pregnant. But I have survived, and I feel like I am a better person for it.
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You're amazing. Thanks for sharing your story. I think you're going to help a lot of people. I love you!
What a woman. I have a lot of respect for you. I know I haven't seen you in years, but I know how amazing you are, and have always been. I can not say I know how you feel, because I don't and in that sense I have been extremely blessed. I was always worried I would not be able to have children and luckily I was wrong. I know we are only given the challenges we can handle...I guess what I am saying is, you are stronger than me! I wish you the best of luck, and I have faith that in time, you will get your happy ending. Stay strong, and have fin trying! Hang in there. XOXO
Maranda, I had no idea you had been through infertility. I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriages. I also went through infertility for 3 years. It was the worst 3 years of my life, especially living in Utah County where everyone AND their mom, dog, sister, cousin, kid are pregnant. Not to mention I had tons of friends getting pregnant and what not without even trying. It just kills you inside.
I ended up going to Dr. Matthew Peterson, who is the head of University of Utah Reproductive Endocrinology Department. He's a great doctor and really knows his stuff. I hope that you can get pregnant again on your own, and they can get you the meds you need to keep that baby growing inside you.
Remember a lot of people have been through this, and are always willing to talk. I'm always here if you want to vent. I know that I finally have my baby, but I know what you are going through and I've also done a lot of research about fertility, etc.
Oh Maranda, I love you more and more every time I listen to/read about your struggles and the faith you have to overcome them. You are such an AWESOME person and I am so happy you started this blog, I know you are going to help so many people! I love that you're real, honest and open about your feelings because it's who are and it makes you, you! Oh I just want to reach through this computer and hug you forever for being such an amazing, strong person and wonderful friend! I love you!
Oh yea, and if you don't mind I'm going to post a link to this blog on my blog cause I have a few good friends here in Logan that I think would really appreciate this!
I'm sorry to hear your story. I just went through a pretty serious miscarraige myself and ended up in the ER where I swore I would never try again (this was our first). Of course, within a few days I was ready to start all over. My husband is now in Iraq so I dont think that will be happening anytime soon. It's hard to make plans for your future and have them taken away. I also understand how hard it is to watch everyone else have healthy pregnancies and wonder why not me. I felt really empty for a long time. We ended up getting a little puppy who is sometimes more a bundle of stress than a bundle of joy. I don't wish this experience on anyone. I, too, believe that there is a reason for everthing and our dreams will be answered at some point between this life and the next. I wish you the best in your future and thank you for your story and your strength!
That really is normal what you are going through. You've only been married for five years. You got pregnant so that's not the problem. That's actually a great thing that you can at least get pregnant now the rest is medical! You cannot just go to a regular doctor to get help. Your OBGYN can only do certain fertility treatments. You have to go to a specialist. I advise ALL to go to a specialist. Thats with that subject.
Here is another subject. You are LDS right? You understand the big picture right? It's so frustrating I know because girlfriend I have many many fertility issues and so does all of my family. Just a question here. When you pray to Heavenly Father are you asking to have children or to be pregnant? Are you asking him that you want to be a MOTHER or to be pregnant? Change your mind about this if you are (I did this before too) STOP STOP STOP asking Heavenly Father to do something that may not be meant to be for you AT THIS TIME. I know that stang a little. It stang BIG time for me too at the begining. I had a horrible time with it but I got it. You know how I got it?
My husband and I went to the Temple and asked Heavenly Father when it is YOUR will for us to be parents and that we do have the desire to be PARENTS. We sat there for a second and about 10 min later we both laughed. I know weird. I'm sure people around us were like ARE YOU CRAZY?
Well we got our answer and we are now both EXTREMELY happy. I am a MOTHER and my husband is a FATHER. I may or may not get PREGNANT but I know Heavenly Father is laughing with us and I can only see him saying, "Now you get it?" Honestly after this one I'm actually fine not getting pregnant and many people realize the samething after they become PARENTS like we did.
I hope this helps. Sorry about what you are going through but know that the three girlfriends I grew up with have problems and three of my sisters have issues. It's a myth that you have a complete pregnancy with in the year or years you start trying. It almost feels like the only way I will get pregnant is if I'm 16 and it's my first time and of course not married (arrg right?)
Do what is best for you but do not just pray for one option and don't ask for it to happen because that's not how one is to pray about things. Ask for what His will is for you and help give you a calm feeling about wheather to keep trying fertility or adopt. Do you want to be pregnant or do you want to be a mother?
Miranda, I remember watching you with Trevor when he was little, and you were SO amazing with him - even then. You will be a mom someday and an incredible one at that.
I can't say I totally get your experience, but I do know that we tried to get prego long before anyone knew - and the whole time I was getting grief from people for not having a kid. On the very day I had a miscarriage (before Trevor) someone was harassing me about not having any kids. People just don't know. It was tough. Hang in there!
Also, my sister ended up adopting a little girl from China. I know without a doubt that that little girl was meant to come to my sister. I think of how she was abandonded on the side of a road in rural China, and here she is now, part of an eternal family. If all you saw was the picture of a baby on the side of the road, it would be gut-wrentching, but then you miss the picture of that same girl in front of the Denver temple, sealed to her family. Remember, God doesn't work in pictures, he works in films.
Much love.
Miranda- Ilove this blog it is so good to hear other people going through this! As I am reading your story and others advive I can't help, but well with tears and be sad that I don't have one of my own. Like everyone said though it will happen in its own time. I would love to get together with you and maybe do lunch or double and have you guys over I think we need to catch up!!!
This is a great idea. I'm sure you'll be able to help many people. I can't really relate, I know. But, I've had to be patient in a different way. I've had to wait until I'm 30 to get married. Heavenly Father loves us each and will give us things in His own time. Love you lots!
I found your blog from a friend who read about it on her friends blog and thought I might like to read it. I think it is wonderful that you are finding a way to help others even while you are still struggling. I am in many ways in the exact same situation as you. After a year of trying with no luck I started fertility testing and then treatment and after nine months of that I finally got pregnant and then miscarried at almost 8 weeks. That was almost a year ago and my husband and I are currently taking a break from infertility until we get our finances and emotions in a better place. It is so hard! I don't personally know anyone who has gone through what I've gone through and it is so hard to feel alone sometimes! I have found great comfort in praying that the Lord will help me know what HIS mission for me is right now. Some days I feel so strong and some days I feel so broken. It's a roller coaster to say the least! I just want you to know that I appreciate your willingness to share and be open in order to help others! Because I know it will! Because sometimes it helps so much just to know that I'm not alone!
Oh and have you ever read the r house? It's a blog written by a woman in Utah who is a major adoption advocate (her and her husband are totally sterile) but anyway...she has some awesome links and posts about infertility and coping with it. Her blog has been a huge source of comfort and support for me! The address is therhouse.blogspot.com in case you are interested!
Talk to me before reading R house blog! Some of it is great some of it can make you fear adoption and make you uneasy. Like the whole being buddy buddy with the birth parents don't even get me started.
you know who I am the blond that adopted. talk to me
Are you seeing an infertility specialist or just an OB? My husband and I spent six years trying to get pregnant working with an infertility doctor and now are completely happy with our son who we adopted. Even though it didn't work for me, my first advice to those starting the process is to make sure you are seeing a specialist. They are current with the research and have the experience that will best help you.
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