Thursday, July 2, 2009

My Thought For the Day

I really want to have a little baby to hold, and hug and kiss, and take cute pictures and video of. I want a baby to show off to all my friends and family and have them tell me how adorable he/she is. I seem to always wish I had a baby more around holidays, you know when everyone is getting together. I just can't stop thinking about that today. Anyone else have those days when it seems to consume all your thoughts?

What is your thought for the day?

I hope you all have a fantastic 4th of July weekend!


kenna said...

Every. Day.

I admit though, holidays make it ten times worse. No, a billion times worse. Especially when horrible mean people (who are supposedly family) tell you they are pregnant on Thanksgiving and that they are having a girl on Valentine's day.


These thoughts are so hard to cope with, at least in my mind. I won't even lie, some days it takes a swig of nyquil to calm them.

One day though. One day the thoughts are going to be real.

It's going to be amazing.

Hang in there

Infertility Goddess said...

Do you ever listen to Christmas music and feel sad because you wish you had that beautiful baby to wake up to on Christmas morning? Who knew that even Memorial day would be's such an every day thing. Man, thanks for validating my fourth of July heartache.